Image: Unsplash
A life coach is a professional who can help you to achieve your goals and live a more fulfilling life. Life coaches can provide support, guidance, and accountability, and can help you to develop
Anxiety rings are a type of jewellery that is specially designed to help people manage their anxiety in a discreet and effective manner. They typically come in the form of a minimalist band with spinning beads or other moving
Red snowflake obsidian is a rare and beautiful form of obsidian that is known for its protective qualities, as well as its ability to promote clarity of thought and mind. It is formed when lava cools rapidly, trapping gas
Shashankasana, also known as the rabbit pose, is a beginner’s inversion that is said to have many benefits for the body and mind. The pose is named after the Sanskrit word “shashanka,” which means “hare.” In this pose, we
Smudging is a traditional practice used by many cultures to cleanse and purify a space. It is believed that the smoke from burning sage can help to clear away negative energy and attract positive energy.
Supta Ardha Padmasana, or supine half lotus pose, is a gentle yoga pose that stretches the hips, back and ankles. It is a great pose for beginners or those who are looking for a pose that is both relaxing
Self-esteem is how we feel about ourselves and is our overall sense of worth and value. People with high self-esteem generally feel good about themselves and their abilities which allows them to be more confident and assertive throughout their
Amethyst is a purple quartz crystal that has been used for centuries for its healing and metaphysical properties. It is said to promote peace, tranquility and spiritual awareness. Amethyst is also known for its ability to relieve stress, anxiety
The side plank is a great way to strengthen your core, improve your balance and protect your spine. It’s a simple exercise that can be done anywhere and doesn’t require any special equipment.
How to do
Cycling is not only a great way to get exercise, it also has an amazing number of health benefits. Being a low-impact activity it’s easy on the joints and also a great way to get some fresh air and